Installing the psana-cctbx toolchain
To ensure the port of cctbx.xfel to Cori goes smoothly, it is necessary to identify and outline the relevant steps required to process data from LCLS.
As a quick guide, I will outline the steps required for this, and introduce example code where necessary.
Installing the psana-cctbx.xfel toolchain
Firstly, we must ensure that the environment is correctly initialised to process the data. The following steps are a summary of those given for psana, and for cctbx.xfel. It is encouraged to read the documentation at these locations for further information. The following commands assume a bash environment by default (alternative shells should also work, with alternative instructions given where necessary).
- Install Miniconda for Python 2.7.
Once installed, source the conda installation and update the base environment (note, psana-conda needs packages in the ‘free’ channel which has been deprecated, so we restore it here):
source ./miniconda/etc/profile.d/ conda update -y conda conda config --set restore_free_channel true
Create a conda environment for the installation:
conda create -n myEnv
Activate the newly created conda environment:
conda activate myEnv
Install psana from the LCLS conda channel, replacing
with the appropriate RH Linux version {5,6,7
}:conda install -y --channel lcls-rhelX psana-conda
Install the following additional dependencies for building and running psana and cctbx*:
conda install future h5py mpich2 wxpython pillow libtiff mock pytest jinja2 scikit-learn tabulate tqdm conda install --channel conda-forge orderedset python -m pip install procrunner
*see alternate instructions for rh6 below
Create a permanent location to install and build cctbx (referred to as
in the following steps):export PERM=<my_dir>; mkdir $PERM
Copy the experiment name database from SLAC to your local system. This step assumes the end-user has a SLAC account, and can access A public facing database will be included with the psana conda installation at a later date.
mkdir -p $PERM/psdm/data/ExpNameDb; rsync -t $PERM/psdm/data/ExpNameDb/
Export the following psana environment variables:
export SIT_DATA=$PERM/psdm/data export SIT_ROOT=$PERM/psdm/data export SIT_PSDM_DATA=$SIT_ROOT
Create a cctbx.xfel directory, and acquire the bootstrap program for building and installation (
can often be required):mkdir $PERM/cctbx.xfel; cd $PERM/cctbx.xfel wget --no-check-certificate
Download and build the cctbx.xfel packages using the conda environment activated python.
python hot --builder=dials python update --builder=dials
Assuming C++ compilers exist on the path, the following step will build the XFEL version of cctbx; specify the number of available cores to enable parallel compilation:
python build --builder=dials --with-python=`which python` --nproc=<# cores available for compile>
The path environment variables are set up by running the following command:
source $PERM/cctbx.xfel/build/ #Bash users
source $PERM/cctbx.xfel/build/setpaths.csh #csh users
With the above steps the psana-cctbx.xfel build should now be installed, with all accessible commands working. A script for the above commands can be found here.
Alternate step 6 for rh6
For rh6, after installing psana-conda, uninstall the mpi it came with and reinstall mpi4py:
conda uninstall openmpi mpi4py --force
conda install mpi4py
Then proceed with step 6 as listed.